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Blog desenvolvido para divulgar este hobby o papercraft, o qual tenho a algum tempo, disponibilizarei meus modelos, e caso alguem deseje colaborar envie mail para
paper modelista (papermodelbr)

quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009

The Lich King's Helmet

As Arthas used to say in WCIII-TFT: AT LAST!

There are some broken pieces inside the helmet that are actually remains of Arthas' head. I could not remove it entirely so please forget them, because they were removed from the project's pages and will not disturb your building work.

The Arthas model as all new models are not built the same way as the older ones... they are one-piece only with 2 textures, thus making them too hard to unfold as papercrafts... but we don't give up so easily.

I was forgetting to say that this helmet is LIFE-SIZED and will fit most heads - and of course some bedroom's shelves.

Size: 50 cm high
Pages: 22
Rar size: 12 MB
Difficulty: HARD
Formats: PDO + PDF
3 textures: Default Lich king color, Dark with green eyes, Lighter with green eyes.
Download it HERE

EDIT: Michael pointed some tricky flaw when building it: The helmet's "back rows" are INDEPENDENT pieces, they are not connected together. What to do now? Just build them all first. Then, following their positions in the 3D window in Pepakura, you must attach one to another and to the helmet by using some pieces of paper in the backside, as you were taping it. You can paint the paper pieces black after building, they are inside the helmet and will not make it ugly. Sorry guys, that's the way to do it, the 3D model was made this way :S

Michael has just finished building the Helmet and sent us some pics. Great work!

Click the images to zoom in


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